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She is here on a mission to bring joy to the world.
She is the embodiment of joy, always smiling, dancing and laughing. Her smile is infectious. Her energy lights up a room. People feel more joyful just being around her.
You can spot a Joy Priestess because she has held onto her playful inner child energy in a way that most haven’t. She is the one cracking jokes, pulling out a board game, making a dance party out of anything. She doesn’t take life too seriously and that energy is magnetic. You may catch her listening to Abraham Hicks, dancing, singing and getting into the vortex of appreciation to manifest her desires!
She is curious, always wanting to explore and carries a light hearted energy to her that makes you sometimes wonder “Is this even real?! How can someone be so full of light in a world that is so dark?!” But she is joyful because she’s been through the darkness and that’s made her realize the importance of prioritizing joy.

She inspires us to open up our hearts and see life from a new joyful lens. She shows us the beauty that is available all around us when we are just present enough to notice. She reminds us that joy isn’t something that we have to earn, but rather is all always available for us. We just have to choose it.

And she reminds us that there is so much to celebrate. She doesn’t wait for life to happen for her to celebrate, but she celebrates the little things- being alive, making it through a tough day, having friends and family. You never have to ask her twice to come on a celebratory trip, dinner or day-out and she’ll be the one bringing flowers, music games, art supplies and activities.
Her life is her celebration and she believes that fun is sacred energy. Joy is the whole purpose of the spiritual journey anyways!
She is a Joy Priestess bringing bliss, laughter and love to the world.
If you received the Joy Priestess Archetype as a result of this quiz, it means that you are being guided to cultivate more joy as you connect deeper with your sacred feminine energy.
Know that the way you honor your joy inspires people to honor their own and how rare and needed your vibrant energy is.

Words of Wisdom:

Practices for the Joy Priestess:

Share Your Rose Gold Goddess Archetype

Tag me in your post so I can share – @iamsahararose

Dive Deeper:

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Get ready to embody your inner Joy Priestess in this 80 minute Goddess Circle

For too long we have been living in joy avoid, but we are here to spark the Joy Revolution.
In this Joyful Circle, we are taking a step back, expanding our perspective, and learning to allow experience flow through us while maintaining our joy sovereignty.
We explore what the different timelines of our lives may look like, as well as what activities can bridge one timeline to another.
By outlining these different timeline and how to jump between them we give ourselves a roadmap to always living in our most joyous timeline regardless of what external factors may be thrown our way.
You will walk away with a clear path of what your most (and least) joyful timelines look like so you can quantum leap into a life that brings you bliss.

Because you are a Joy Priestess, for the next 24 hours, this Goddess Circle from Rose Gold Goddesses is available a-la-carte, for just $48.

This is normally only included within the Rose Gold Goddesses Annual Membership but because you are a Joy Priestess, I would love to make it available for you individually so you can dive deeper into your Rose Gold Goddess Archetype!

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