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Rose Gold Goddesses

The Divine Feminine Mystery School by Sahara Rose

Are you ready for a day of heartfelt human connection, blissful joy, spiritual celebration, intuitive education, and fostering true friendships with your fellow Rose Gold Goddesses?!

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We are opening the doors to Rose Gold Goddesses for 48 hours which includes the opportunity to join us in our intimate and exclusive retreat.

The time has finally come for us to gather connect in person at this sacred gathering!

We are honored and soul excited to share with you the Rose Gold Goddesses Weekend Retreat in Miami on Saturday, May 28 (plus optional VIP Dinner the night before!) gif maker 7
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Beginning the day with sacred intention, ritual + Goddess Breathwork guided by me, Sahara
Connecting as a cohesive unit through an intentional Goddess Circle
Creating intimate connections through smaller Goddess circles with a POWERFUL manifestation practice!
Manifestation Dance Journey
Live Drummers
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This is our first-ever full-day event! We are beyond excited to drop in on a deeper level and share this space with you all after a crazy couple of years!

Introducing Rose Gold Goddesses - The Divine Feminine Mystery School For Unlocking Your Highest Self

The annual membership that supports you in becoming your highest self.

We know how hard and time-consuming it is to sift through hours and hours of spiritual content trying to find authentic, aligned teachers. It can feel overwhelming to continually find new moon circles, workshops, courses, and experiences that help you evolve. You’ve realized how important your spiritual growth is to all other areas of your life, but you may not know who to trust or have the time to figure it all out.

But don’t worry, we made it easy for you.

No more spending hours trying to find great teachers, the right podcast episodes or sift through websites to find aligned courses, only to find out they’re super expensive or not even enrolling. Sit back and have the highest spiritual content delivered to you, wrapped in a sustainable bow.

Every month, you will have new workshops catered to your spiritual journey, with top notch spiritual teachers who connect with you and the community on exclusive Zoom calls.

It’s like Highest Self Podcast coming alive and into reality.

With curated workshops, activations, courses and rituals for the embodied spiritual queen, we support you in living your soul’s purpose from a place of joy and ease. 

Here is what our members are saying:

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Consider Rose Gold Goddesses Your Divine Feminine Mystery School

Your life will only go as far as your spiritual practice, and this is why personal growth is essential. When you’re spiritually connected, you create more abundance, find alignment with your purpose and experience more joy.

And this is exactly what we will make easy for you in Rose Gold Goddesses. We provide you with curated experiences to tune into your intuition, support your fullest healing, and unleash your highest creativity.

You’ll witness yourself transform from the inside out with the support of our aligned workshops, experiences, and incredible community.

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Here’s what we stand for at
Rose Gold Goddesses

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Rose Gold Goddesses is about co-creating the world we want to be a part of
One that is led by joy, intuition, purpose, beauty and bliss

We are weaving together a new reality led by the heart, womb + third eye’s

We are guided to create from a place of flow, fulfillment and fun

We walk the beauty path with flower petals at our feet

We believe every day is a ceremony and opportunity to embody our highest selves

We are the sun-beings, embodiments of the radiant sun

We chose the joy codes and share them with those around us

We attune to the heart frequency and connect to her wisdom

We honor the sacred intuitive wisdom within each of us

We believe in the rising of divine feminine + harmony with the masculine

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for to co-create the new paradigm

If you’re feeling the call to immerse yourself in a community where the conversation + content is about creation, intuition and self-realization, Rose Gold Goddesses is for you

We believe both abundance and fun are your birthright, and will support you with receiving more of both in your life.

Who said the spiritual journey had to be so serious? Or that spiritual people had to be broke? We’re here to remind you all that you are capable of and deserve.

Here's What Our Members Are Saying

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I created Rose Gold Goddesses because I believe in the new paradigm of divine feminine leadership.

Where we are honoring our intuitive wisdom, moon + menstrual
cycles, and the creative magic that is channeling through us.

Where our bodies are sacred vessels for our highest selves.

Where we birth our creations through ease, joy and fluidity.

Where burnout is a word of the past.

We can only create as much as we receive.

The old paradigm of hustle, grind + competition is over.

It’s time for us to gather in sacred ritual the way our ancestors have for thousands of years. 

Taking a collective pause to tune into our internal wisdom so we can take aligned action from a place of deep knowing.

As someone who has created so much, (three best-selling books all with forewords by Deepak Chopra, the #1 spirituality podcast on iTunes, Highest Self, spoken at international stages around the world) people often ask me the secret to my success.

It's this - Leading from my Divine Feminine Wisdom.

In Rose Gold Goddesses, I’ll be teaching you how to connect with your eternal truth so, you can be the bridge for the creations seeking to come through you and live a life in complete alignment with your dharma, your soul’s purpose. 

Does This Resonate?

You are ready for something different, magical, and transformative.

Your meditations feel stagnant and as if they serve no purpose.

You long for a more embodied, fun, and integrated approach to spirituality that invites the connection between your mind and body to create your whole feminine self.

You long to feel completely at home in your body.

You are drawn to the feminine and crave deeper connections with fully aligned and embodied womxn.

The truth is, you are evolving and no longer resonating with the grind and hustle culture we’ve been accustomed to.

You are part of the universe because the universe is inside of you.

Connect with our aligned community of
Rose Gold Goddesses

This community is the key for modern mystics to unlock their highest self, embody their divine feminine, and join a sisterhood of like-minded women. You are being called to reach your unlimited potential, free-flowing creativity, and step into joyful abundance.

Have you been plateauing in your spiritual practice? Do you want to go deeper than brief social media interactions? By joining you will grow in our aligned workshops that will shift your life.

Are you ready to transform from the inside out? It’s time to embody your highest self, so you can finally express your divine gifts, live your soul’s purpose, and honor your blissful self?

The truth is, most spirituality out there is focused on the masculine approach, stressing discipline over flow. However, the divine feminine approach begins with dropping into your body and connecting with nature. Your fullest potential comes from bridging the gap between your womb and heart by honoring your natural cycles.

Queen, that is why you may not feel fully connected or expansive in your spiritual journey. The masculine centered teachings weren’t written for you.

That’s why I created Rose Gold Goddesses.

How Is Rose Gold Goddesses Different?

  • We have hundreds of workshops, meditations, and daily practices from highly experienced teachers
  • A group of supportive sisters who will walk beside you on your journey- a community that embraces your “woo” and magic
  • Option to attend an in-person retreat in Miami
  • Over two years of content at your fingertips
  • Actionable practices to stop hustling, find your flow, connect with your intuition, and live a juicy and joy filled life
  • A sacred cauldron where you can share your business with other Goddesses to support each other and thrive in your biz

We don’t play on the surface, we get REALLY deep into spirituality and your divine feminine energy. We go all in on teachings and practices. Check out our curriculum below!

Get access to all of our prior workshops from 2022 and a sneak peak at the LIVE Goddess Circles to come!

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2022 Astrological Forecast for Manifestation with Christopher Witecki

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Dive into the astrology of 2022 with astrologer extraordinaire Christopher Witecki as he shares with us key dates for manifestation, living your soul purpose, love, creation, growth and more. This Goddess Circle will set you up for a fulfilled, supportive and magnetic 2022 working along with the natural energies and cycles of the cosmos!

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Energetic Lovemaking + Tantra with Bibi Brzozka - Womb Wisdom

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Discover how conscious sex is the gateway to peak experiences of bliss, intimacy and love, and in manifesting the life you were born to live. Energetic Lovemaking is about so much more than just what happens in bed. It’s about unlocking your own potential to be magnetic, passionate and thriving. And, YES, you’ll find the 30-minute full body orgasms along the way, too!

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Orgasmic Oracle Codes with Rev. Briana Lynn - Expression

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How to be a beacon of truth for the feminine voice with Rev. Briana LynnLearn how to step into your powerful and easeful presence to sit in your truth as an empowered feminine leader. In this experiential workshop, Rev. Briana will guide you through turning your pain + shadow into pleasure + turn on so you can live your most expressed life as a sacred ritual of the divine. This full-power workshop will activate and transform you from the core!

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Awaken Your Powers Masterclass with Sahara Rose + Shaman Durek -EMBODIMENT + EXPRESSION (Value $297)

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Are you being called to step into spiritual leadership? Then this masterclass is for you! 4 hours of straight channeled transmissions to empower you up to rise into the conscious leader you were born to be. With everything from fear of imposter syndrome, opening your throat chakra and standing in your worth, this Masterclass fully delivers. You will feel your cells pulsing during this entire masterclass!

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Herbs + Practices for Lucid Dreaming with Adriana⁠ Ayales - Intuition

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Take a deep dive into the realm of lucid dreaming with Costa Rican herbalist and Anima Mundi Herbals founder Adriana Ayales. Discover the sacred power of the pineal gland through ancient and modern techniques that help access the Highest Self. In this class, we will explore herbal allies, tools and practices known to strengthen the organs of perception, thus awakening the superpowers of our subconscious minds.

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Jumping Into Your Most Joyful Timeline with Sahara Rose - JOY (Value $297)

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Choose your most joyful reality in this experiential workshop. You will explore the different timelines your life may take and consciously choose the most joyful one, building bridges to get there with actionable practices, all set to an epic playlist of 90’s + 00’s classics.

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Channeling your Highest Self with Sahara Rose - Intuition

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Learn how to tune into your Highest Self’s voice and actually channel it’s wisdom through this channeling practice. You will be guided through a meditation and visualization to open up your channels and then a channeling practice to hear the voice of your Highest Self through voice and ask them questions. This is a powerful workshop to establish connection with your intuition and inner knowing.

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The Muse Poetry Workshop with Allie Michelle -Expression

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Poetry is medicine for the soul. It allows us to transform our pain into purpose. To reach deeply inside of ourselves and give a gift back to the world. In this writing workshop, we’ll deep dive into writing poems, performing spoken word and connecting with a community of creatives. We’re all storytellers, it’s in our nature. Whether you have no experience or have published books, this class is an opportunity to break through creative blocks and the “judge” in our minds that stops us from being bold in our art. Come spend 2 hours taking a break from your day to day life and writing something new.

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Abundance Mindset and Money Manifestation Ritual with Sahara Rose

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What does abundance mean to? Dive into your abundance mindset and heal money blocks with this powerful circle with Sahara. She’ll then guide you through a magical money spell you can do to call in abundance your way, whatever that means to you. This workshop is equal parts mental and equal parts witchy!

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Owaken Breathwork with Helle Weston - Intuition

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Be guided in a transformational Owaken Breathwork journey, which is the favorite of the likes of Megan Fox and many others. In this powerful yet down-to-Earth breathwork experience you will unlock emotions, traumas and energy that has been suppressed so you can feel, heal and reclaim your true power. Helle guides individuals into non-ordinary state of consciousness to access parts of themselves that usually function outside of daily awareness. You’ll walk away from this potent workshop transformed and ready to live your soul’s purpose!

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Vocal Activation Workshop To Open Your Throat Chakra with singer Ruby Chase - EXPRESSION (Value $297)

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Tap into your full expressed voice and blast through any throat chakra blockages in this vocal alchemy workshop. You will find your authentic voice, find more confidence and let yourself be heard. This is a powerful workshop for speaking, expressing and showing up in the world.

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Activate Your Third Eye with Nikki Novo -Intuition

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A well balanced third eye can sense the future, but be trusting and patient enough to allow it to come. In this interactive workshop with master intuitive and spiritual mentor Nikki Novo, learn how to open your third eye, activate your intuition, and feel into your soul’s path. Nikki will teach concepts, share exercises for strengthening the third eye, and also lead an activation.

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Lalita Sundari Goddess of Sensuality Circle with Sahara Rose - + WOMB WISDOM

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What does sensuality mean to you? How can you experience more of it? Learn how in this sacred workshop, themed around Goddess Lalita Sundari. You’ll learn how your desires are divine and guiding you to your highest bliss, joy and truth.

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Connecting With Your Womb’s Wisdom with Sahara Rose - Expression

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The womb is the house of intuition in a feminine body. It is the portal between two worlds, the cosmic hologram. Learn about the four gates of the womb (the right and left ovaries, cervix and clitoris), what archetypes and energies each represent and how to know where your energy is in and out of balance through speaking the language of your womb. You’ll practice a womb connection meditation, draw an image of your womb, understand the four energy gates and walk away from this workshop with tools and practices to connect deeper to your womb’s inner knowing.

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Sacred Receiving + Boundaries - Goddess Hathor Circle with Sahara Rose - EMBODIMENT (Value $297)

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Do you have a hard time receiving and setting boundaries? We are taught to be this way as women in our society and this workshop is about reclaiming our sovereignty so we can receive and set boundaries with love. You’ll be guided with journal prompts and practices so you can see exactly where your blurry boundaries are and create your temple with love.

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Shamanic Healing Ritual with Eaglewoman - Intuition

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In this powerful workshop, we sit with Eaglewoman, known as the Urban Shaman who brings ancient ways to life to transform and heal. For over three decades she has been a practicing Medicine Woman in the art of Shamanic Medicine and Intuitive Healing. Her work realigns and redesigns the road map of your soul, bringing forth the highest alignment and wealth of the body, mind and soul. Eaglewoman brings her gifts to the trenches of today’s society and ones own personal life challenges. As a bridge to the multi dimensions, Eaglewoman guides and aligns people to their healing, to their successes to that next level of expansion and self-realization. Eaglewoman transforms your life by changing the “outcome” to “become.”

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Share Your Authentic Voice w Amber Valdez -Expression

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Unlock your throat chakra, own your voice, and master the power of vulnerability in this powerful workshop with Spiritual Coach Amber Valdez! You’ll learn how to turn your light all the way on and stop playing small to play your part in creating the New Earth. If you are ready to create the change you wish to see in the world, leave a powerful legacy, and reach as many people as possible but are struggling with the “how” this is for you!

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Paint Your Aura with Ali Lizzi - Intuition + Expression

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In this experiential workshop, aura artist Ali will guide you through a variety of techniques that will help you connect with your auric field on an intimate level. You will learn what different aspects make up an aura, practice how to feel the energetic vibration of colors and how they connect to different aspects of yourself within your aura. With this practice, you will also begin to tap into what your own aura looks and feels like, and will be guided to intuitively paint (or draw) your aura so that you are able to connect with your energetic field on a spiritual, creative and visual level. This practice will help foster your psychic abilities, especially clairvoyance, while also helping you connect deeply with your highest self and your inner child through playful self-reflection and profound self-love. No art skills necessary! This is a spiritual practice that is meant to help you tap into your intuition in a creative, playful and sensual way, not an art class.

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Opening To Channel Workshop with Sahara Rose - INTUITION (Value $297)

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Have you always wanted to channel but not known how or if it’s even possible for you? You know when you see those people living in flow? That is channeling! In this circle, Sahara shares what channeling is, how to tune into it, then guides you through a powerful meditation and breathwork to open your channels. You’ll then be introduced to an automatic writing practice to begin conversation with your highest self.

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Quantum Time Bending Antojai Alchemy with Shaman Axel Carrasquillo - Intuition

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Learn how to bend time and bring your manifestations to life faster and with more ease with this workshop! Time is a powerful thought that dominates a lot of the human consciousness and the collective spiritual unconscious. Quantum Science has discovered over the course of many years that Time is in fact…. Only in our minds! In this workshop, we will dive deep into Antojai Alchemy’s first major law, transcending time with your thoughts and your energy. This life-changing workshop will help you release deep rooted ties to past experiences, sky rocket your manifestations, and activate your 8th chakra. You will learn the secrets of bending reality by bending time.

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Connecting to the Lemurian Frequency + Living a Life of Fun with Sahara Rose- JOY (Value $297)

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Have you ever yearned for a home that was filled with abundance, fun, community, creativity and nature? Do you feel connected to the water element, dolphins and mermaids? Then you may be a Lemurian soul! Lemuria is an ancient civilization that was all about the heart. In this workshop, we dive into the Lemurian frequency, the ancient mythology of Lemuria and how to create more joy and fun in your life today.

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Manifesting Your Most Aligned Year with Sahara Rose + Cassandra Bodzak - Joy

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Get clear on your intentions, impact and desires this year in this collaborative manifestation ritual with both Sahara Rose and her dear friend (and one of Highest Self Podcast’s most downloaded guests) Cassandra Bodzak. You’ll walk away with a clear understanding of what energy you’re calling in this year, what to focus on and the shifts needed to allow the manifestations to come through. Come ritual with us and start this year with intention and magic!

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Connecting to the Magic and Wisdom of your Cervix - Womb Wisdom

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The cervix is your body’s internal temple of wisdom. Tap into your own sensual awakening through connecting with your cervix in the highest form of sacred love. You’ll walk away from this workshop more connecting with your cervix and deeply embodying the wisdom that exists within your being.

Plus dozens of other high-value workshops you can experience at any time as a biweekly, weekly or even daily experience.

  • Womb Medicine
    - Womb Medicine Goddess Circle with Malaika Darville and Sahara Rose
    - Womb Breathwork, Meditation, & Sound with Stacey Hickman
  • Ixchel
    - Ixchel Goddess Circle with Sahara Rose
    - Journaling with Ixchel with Stacey Hickman
    - Orgasmic Breath with Lisa Conine
  • Lalita Sundari
    Lalita Sundari Goddess Circle with Sahara Rose
    - Journaling with Lalita Sundari with Stacey Hickman
    - Meditating with Lalita Sundari with Stacey Hickman
    - EFT Tapping with Lalita Sundari with Stacey Hickman
    - Ignite Your Sexuality with Stephanie Pappas
  • Four Womb Elements
    - Four Womb Elements Goddess Circle with Sahara Rose
    - Journaling on the 4 womb elements with Stacey Hickman
    - Meditative Womb Journey with Stacey Hickman
    - Goddess dance activation with Malaika Darville and Sahara Rose
  • Cerridwen
    - Cerridwen Goddess Circle with Sahara Rose
    - Cerridwen Journaling with Stacey Hickman
    - Cerridwen Ritual with Stacey Hickman
    - Meet your inner doula with Alexis Wolford
  • Yemaya
    - Yoni meditation by Sahara Rose
    - Womb meditation by Sahara Rose
    - Menstruation meditation by Sahara Rose
    - Trusting our bodies
  • Brigid
    - Brigid Goddess Circle with Sahara Rose
    - Sacred Cauldron Practice with Stacey Hickman
    - Sacred Cauldron Meditation with Sahara Rose
    - Sound Meditation for Renewal with Meghan Cornett-Mayes

  • Awaken your powers masterclass with Sahara Rose and Shaman Durek
    - 5 Videos
  • Durga
    - Durga Goddess Circle with Sahara Rose
    - Journaling with Durga with Stacey Hickman
    - Meditating with Durga with Stacey Hickman
    - EFT Tapping with Durga with Stacey Hickman
  • Sekhmet
    - Sekhmet Goddess Circle with Sahara Rose
  • Green Tara
    - Green Tara Goddess Circle with Sahara Rose
    - Journaling on Green Tara with Stacey Hickman
    -Compassion with Green Tara with Sah D’Simone
  • Dharma
    How to Discover your Dharma meditations with Sahara Rose
    - Discover Your Dharma Bonus Practices with Sahara Rose
    - How to turn your pain into your purpose with Samantha Skelly
    - How to Start a Soul-Centered Business with Cassandra Bodzak
    - How to be your own boss with Andrea Elibero
  • Saraswati
    Saraswati Goddess Circle with Sahara Rose
    - Saraswati Meditation with Sahara Rose
  • Vocal Activation
    Vocal Activation Goddess Circle with Ruby Chase
    - Into the throat chakra with Stacey Hickman
  • Marketing
    Healing Marketing Rituals with Caroline Thompson
    - How to be a Social Media Badass with Rubeena Inaigro

  • Opening to Channel
    Opening to Channel Goddess Circle with Sahara Rose
    - Breathwork & Meditation for Channeling with Stacey Hickman
    - Journaling for Spiritual Connection & Intuitive Guidance with Ellie Young
  • Shadow Work
    - Why Breathwork is the next yoga with Samanatha Skelly
    - Healing Karmic Energy Daniela Londono-Velez
    - Overcoming Overwhelm Meditation with Sahara Rose
    - Letting go ritual with cassandra bodzak
    - How to attract conscious love with Elizabeth M. DeVaughn
  • Isis
    - Isis Goddess Circle with Sahara Rose
    - Journaling with Isis with Stacey Hickman
    - Isis meditation with Stacey Hickman
  • Higher Consciousness
    - Modern Spirituality and the Collective Spiritual Renaissance with Benjamin Decker
    - Accessing your Intuition with Manduela Welton
    - Akashic records with Daniela Gil
    - Reading your akashic records with Daniela Gil
  • Hathor
    - Hathor Goddess Circle with Sahara Rose
    - Hathor Meditation with Stacey Hickman
    - Yoga Nidra Practice with Stacey Hickman
  • Lakshmi | Goddess of abundance
    - Lakshmi Goddess circle with Sahara rose
    - Meditation to Meet Lakshmi
  • Abundance
    - Abundance Ritual Goddess Circle with Sahara Rose
    - Alchemizing limiting beliefs into abundance with stacey hickman
    - Lunar Abundance New Moon Circle with Ezzie Spencer
    - How to feel Positively Wealthy with Emma Mumford
  • Manifesting
    - Manifestation Meditation with Sahara Rose
    - Uncovering Your Desires & Manifesting Financial Miracles with Gina Devee
    - Self Hypnosis to Manifest with Mahesha Gunner
    - Manifesting spell to call in a new home with cassandra bodzak

  • Quan Yin
    - Quan Yin Goddess Circle with Sahara Rose
    - Journaling with Quan Yin with Stacey Hickman
    - EFT Tapping with Quan Yin with Stacey Hickman
    - Quan Yin meditations by Sahara Rose
    - A Self forgiveness practice with Elena Ganzoni
  • Jumping into Joy
    - Jumping into your most joyous timeline Goddess Circle with Sahara Rose
    - Joyful Yoga & Dance Flow with Stacey Hickman
    - Joy Embodied: A Yoga Nidra Experience with Katelyn Wargo
  • Lemuria
    - Lemuria Goddess Circle with Sahara Rose
    - Lemuria Journaling with Stacey Hickman
    - Lemurian Libation with Dakota Chanel
    - Head & Heart Practice with Stacey Hickman
    - Dolphin Meditation with Sahara Rose
  • Astrology
    - Astrology: Your Soul’s Blueprint with Autumn Sarsycki
    - How to read a vedic astrological chart with Laura Plumb
  • Human Design
    - Intro to Human Design with Allegra West
  • Gaia
    - Gaia Goddess Circle with Sahara Rose
    - Journaling on Gaia with Stacey Hickman
    - Gaia Meditation with Stacey Hickman
    - Plant Care is Self Care with Rachael Cohen
    - Cannabis Plant Spirit with Lisa Conine
  • Magick & Rituals
    - Samhain Ancestor Ritual with Mia Magik and Sahara Rose
    - How to have a cacao ceremony at home with Christine Olivia and Sahara Rose
    - Maltyox Method Mayan Cacao Gratitude with Christine Olivia and Sahara Rose
    - Celtic mysticism with Mia Magik
    - Shamanic Meditation with Alyson Charles

  • Journaling
    - Journaling with Durga
    - Journaling with Lalita Sundari
    - Journaling with Quan Yin
    - Journaling with Kali Ma
    - Journaling with Ixchel
    - Journaling with Isis
    - Lemuria Journaling
    - Journaling on Gaia
    - Cerridwen Journaling
    - Shakti Journaling
    - Journaling on Green Tara
    - Journaling on the 4 womb elements
    - Journaling for Connection & Guidance ML
  • Meditations
    - Yoni/ Womb/ Menstruation meditation SR
    - Quan Yin SR
    - DYD meditations SR
    - Cosmic Color Cord Meditation SR
    - Overcoming Overwhelm Meditation SR
    - Manifestation Meditation SR
    - Sacred Cauldron MeditationSR
    - Dolphin Meditation SR
    - Meditating with Durga
    - Meditating with Lalita Sundari
    - Meditating & EFT with Kali Ma
    - Isis meditation
    - Gaia Meditation
    - Meditative Womb Journey
    - Hathor Meditation
    - Sound Meditation ML
  • EFT
    - EFT Tapping with Durga
    - EFT Tapping with Lalita
    - Tapping for Kali
    - EFT Tapping with Quan Yin
  • Breathwork
    - Orgasmic Breath
    - Breathwork & Meditation for Channeling
    - Womb Breathwork, Meditation, & Sound
    - Guided Rhythmic Breathwork Meditation by SHIVARASA
  • More Magik
    - Sacred cauldron practice
    - Head vs. heart practice
    - Cerridwen cauldron ritual
    - Immersive shakti journey
    - Yoga nidra experience
    - Joyful yoga flow
    - Joy embodied: a yoga nidra experience
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You Choose The Journey

You get to choose your own journey, allowing yourself to be intuitively guided by the workshops that resonate with you most at this time.

Each Goddess Circle has its own related experiential practice, such as a Breathwork, Sound Bath, Meditation, Journaling or Yoga experience, as well as its own epic playlist to embody its energy throughout the month.

We also have meditations to support you on a daily basis with the various themes of the workshops, such as Cosmic Color Meditation, Womb Meditation, Menstrual Meditation, Dolphin Meditation + Sacred Cauldron Meditation.

Every month we have a new Goddess Circles so, you have the opportunity to experience them live on Zoom with the community and be put into break-out groups for interactive practices.

You also immediately receive access to our Sacred Library of dozens of other workshops (over two years worth of content!) so you have transformational experiences awaiting you at any time! Instead of binging Netflix, you get to tune into the exact content your soul has been craving to bring you to the next level!

You’ll never get bored in Rose Gold Goddesses

This is the most comprehensive divine feminine spirituality membership out there and you will be blown away by the level of this content, community and transformation.

Have the spaciousness to really dive into the topics and integrate them in your life with your annual Rose Gold Goddesses membership, plus the support of an incredible community.

You become the content you consume and who you spend your time with.

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It’s time for you to embody your full feminine power in your business, career and dharma.

Rose Gold Goddesses is about awakening to the wisdom that lives inside of our bodies,
to tap into our truths
 to go beyond the mind and into the body,
 to feel rather than analyze,
 to listen to our voice of intuition that lives within,
 to awaken to the codes of our ancestors,
to regain healing touch with the Earth,
 to raise the vibration of the planet, together.

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What You Will Receive As a Rose Gold Goddess

Exciting members only in-person retreat in Miami on May 27-28! This is our first-ever full-day event so, we are beyond excited to drop in on a deeper level with you all and share this space after a crazy couple of years!

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Monthly live virtual activations to bring more of the Five Pillars of Rose Gold Goddesses into your life: Embodiment, Womb Wisdom, Expression, Intuition and Joy. Topis include Jumping Into Your Most Joyful Timeline, Opening Up to Channel, Divine Feminine Embodiment, Vocal Activation, Shamanic Ceremonies, Past Life Regressions, Womb Medicine Journey, Sacred Receiving, Aligning With Your Menstrual Cycle, Ancestral Healing, Manifesting Abundance, Accessing Creativity and over dozens more

Monthly live virtual experiences to embody your inner Goddess such as Womb Breathwork Meditation + Sound, Joy Activating Dance + Yoga Experience, Goddess Yoga Nidra, Breathwork + Meditation for Channeling, Soundbaths and dozens more

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Monthly Member-Led Workshops (and an opportunity for you to share your magic with the community!) such as Healing Marketing Rituals for Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs, How to Craft + Publish Stories That Make a Difference, Healing Karmic Energy, Ignite Your Sensuality, Sound Meditation for Renewal, and dozens more

Expert Guest Workshops from your favorite Highest Self Podcast Guests including Buddhist Goddess Mantras with Sah D’Simone, Modern Spirituality with Ben Decker, Reading Your Akashic Records with Daniela Gil, Cacao Gratitude Ceremony with Christine Olivia, How to Feel Positively Wealthy with Emma Mumford, Accessing Your Intuition with Manuela Welton, Tantric Principles with Chandresh Bhardwaj, How To Read a Vedic Astrology Chart with Laura Plumb, Lemurian Libation with Dakota Chanel, Samhain Ancestor Ritual with Mia Magik, Breathwork with Samantha Skellyand more

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The Collaboration Cauldron is sizzling! Find, connect and hire your future coach, business partner, favorite product and more with our Collaboration Cauldron! We have our members share their businesses with fellow members of the community so we can support each other. We’ve had people hire their health coaches, yoga teachers, graphic designers and buy their gifts from other members of the community!

Dharma Support Circle Connector. One of the greatest values is the fact you can connect with your very own Dharma Support Circle. A Dharma Support Circle is essentially a mastermind to support you in living your soul’s purpose. You’ll connect with a group of three other women (four total) and choose a time to meet every two weeks to support each other in living your dharmas. This is a safe space where you can discuss ideas, talk about your wins, share your fears and get support on your journey.

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My Healing + Embodiment Through Dance Online Program, which teaches you how to open up to your body’s wisdom, how your natural movement speaks what is happening in your soul, how to create more connection with your body and follow-along belly dance practices

My Awaken Your Powers Masterclass with Shaman Durek, which activates you to step into your role as a conscious leader + creatrix into the new paradigm shift

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More of my courses including Rose Gold Goddess Framework, Working With A Yogic Path Deck, How to Discover Your Dharma 10-Day Audiocourse, Shamanic Shaking, Conscious Twerkshop

My Meditations including Womb Meditation, Dharma Meditation, Sacred Cauldron, Overcoming Overwhelm, Cosmic Color Cord, Dolphin Meditation and more

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Our very own app with a community of 1000+ queens ready to support and celebrate you, with topics on everything from spirituality to herbology to astrology

Rose Gold Goddesses is so much
more than a mystery school -
it's a community.

The community + connections you’ll make in Rose Gold Goddesses is the most transformational part.

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We are living in a time where people are lonelier than ever before. Research shows that women who have close friends live a longer, healthier life. However 75% of women have said they are wishing for something more from their friendships. On top of that, being on a spiritual journey doesn’t make it easy to connect with just anyone. Sometimes you feel lonelier than ever before because the people around you don’t get you.

However, your community is everything for your spiritual growth. You deserve to have sisters supporting you, uplifting and inspiring you, who you can be fully seen and celebrated with.

This is exactly what you’ll find in Rose Gold Goddesses. The type of women attracted to this community are one’s who are equal parts hilarious and spiritual. We’re spiritual, and love to twerk. Consider us 50% Deepak, 50% Tupac. Your future besties, ritual sisters and business partners await!

Here’s What Our Members are Saying

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The amazing conscious topics, such as meditating, journaling, dancing, reiki, have been a facilitator of transformation for me! Exploring all the workshops and nurturing that part of myself, has helped me become so much more mindful and reflective in all areas of my life, which has caused some big revelations and uplevelings for me.

Alexis Wolford

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Every month Sahara channels the exact medicine that my soul craves. I am forever grateful for the beautiful connections I have made with my soul sisters in RGG and for the lessons I have learned through the teachings available.

Stella Shinee

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Rose Gold Goddesses is a place that accepts your light, talents, gifts, words and more. It will be a year since joining this beautiful, magical, spiritual, and supportive circle on my birthday. It’s a place you can meet and connect with others, its also a place of inspiration, teachings, uplifts and brings encouragement. You can truly be yourself with no criticism and no judgement just pure love and acceptance. The sisterhood here is a blessing and enlightening in many ways. Sahara Rose is a joyous beacon of light, I am Soul grateful being one of the Rose Gold Goddesses and shine my own beacon of light. Thank you.


Connect In Real Life And Form Lasting Friendships

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We also have groups in dozens of cities around the world where you can meet-up with members in person! We’ve had members meet all around the globe for New Moon rituals, hikes and coffee, and form lasting friendships and even create businesses together! There have been hundreds of meet-ups so far and as soon as you join, you can begin planning your own!

If you’re a spiritual woman who loves to shake it, this community is for you!

As a Rose Gold Goddess, you will experience more:

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Your life is a reflection of your spiritual practice.

Let’s Talk Money, Honey

I remember wishing I had a community, but not being able to afford any coaching or online programs because most offerings cost thousands of dollars. For this reason, I wanted to make this group available for womxn out there, just like me, longing for support but unable to financially afford a coach or online program.

This is why I’ve made Rose Gold Goddesses accessible to all who genuinely have an interest in diving into the goddess work and being part of this community.  

True enlightenment, purpose, community and growth shouldn’t have a high price tag.  

With a Rose Gold Goddess Membership,
you receive:

Total Value: Over $7000

Doors close in..

Your Special Membership With The Rose Gold Goddess Retreat Price:

Annual Membership + Miami Retreat

$1110 paid in full

$92.50 a month
or $3 a day!

Annual Membership + Miami Retreat

Quarterly payment plan of
four payments of $305.25 over
the year, which is $101 a month
or $3.35 a day.

Your Special Membership Price:

Annual Membership

$777/ year paid in full,
which is only 
$64.75 a month
or $2 a day!

Annual Membership

Quarterly payment plan of
four payments of $222 over
the year, which is $74 a month
or $2.38 a day.

Save $111 by paying in full, which also creates energetic alignment!

Consider how much you’re spending on clothes, Amazon or other random things. Invest in your Highest Self instead and see how much more abundance it creates in your life!

Your external world is a reflection of your internal one. Every penny you invest in your spiritual self multiplies. 


This is your LAST chance to join us in Miami!

The Rose Gold Goddess Retreat will be a weekend of Goddess Circling, spiritual workshops, dancing, singing, connecting + celebration, bringing the energy of Rose Gold Goddesses in person.

RGG Twerk

Traveling alone? No worries – every single Goddess is! We’re all here to meet + connect with new people in this intimate + sacred experience.


We have options both for the full event day on Saturday or also adding on our delicious organic plant-based VIP dinner the night before – you get to choose!


Again, we are already 75% sold-out and will likely sell out by the end of the week so if you are feeling the call, click here to join us!