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She feels. She moves. She trusts her body’s wisdom. She dances. She’s deeply connected to her nervous system. She practices yoga, self care. She deeply cares about what she puts into her vessel because that creates the quality of her energy and thoughts, which she is very intentional about.

You can always spot the embodied queen from a mile away. She’s the one dancing freely on the ecstatic dance floor, who’s deep in her yoga practice, who is massaging her body, who knows a great deal about the psoas and nervous system. To her, the body is the ultimate muse.

She’s deeply tuned into her body’s needs and is able to speak its language. She can feel truth deep within her bones and is able to connect to her body’s intuitive wisdom to receive its answers. She may naturally be drawn to body work, holistic healing, fitness, pilates, yoga and dance.
She feels out of alignment when her body is not thriving. She knows the energy that she puts into her movement practice, her self care, her nutrition, the herbs that she takes, will exponentially give her back that energy.
The embodied queen has a certain way of moving. She is deeply connected to her hips, her limbs, her gut. She moves with the drum beat of the earth. As soon as music plays, you will find her moving. You’ll find her stretching at the airport. You’ll find her shaking her hips to release tension. Her gut instincts are always on point.
She feels her most aligned self when she is in motion. She takes time to allow her body to freely move to tune into its answers, which go beyond the mind.
The embodied queen can feel when her nervous system is out of alignment and brings forth peace, calm and healing to allow her body to feel safe, nourished and creative. Whether it’s shamanic shaking, downward dog or peppermint essential oil, she always gives her body what it needs as it’s her greatest teacher.
If you received the Embodied Queen archetype as a result of this quiz, it means that you could benefit from bringing your attention to your body as you connect deeper with your sacred feminine energy.

She feels. She moves. She trusts her body’s wisdom. She dances. She’s deeply connected to her nervous system. She practices yoga, self care. She deeply cares about what she puts into her vessel because that creates the quality of her energy and thoughts, which she is very intentional about.

Words of Wisdom:

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Practices for the Embodiment Queen:

Share Your Rose Gold Goddess Archetype

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Dive Deeper:

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In this 3.5 hour course we go into:

I then guide you through a 45-min full Goddess Embodiment practice where I teach you to connect to different parts of your body for more mind-body connection and somatic awareness so you can feel more comfortable and have more isolations in your movement.
Then through specific deep-dives into various body parts, with isolations, tribal fusion belly dance, dance hall and twerk moves, allowing you to cultivate a deeper mind-body connection.

The guided dance videos comprise of:

Because you are an Embodiment Queen, for the next 24 hours, this course is available for 25% off, bringing it down to just $48.

This is normally only included within the Rose Gold Goddesses Annual Membership but because you are an Embodiment Queen, I would love to make it available for you individually so you can dive deeper into your Rose Gold Goddess Archetype!

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